Interface SdkConfiguration


  • SdkConfiguration


apiVersion?: string

At the time of writing there is only one version of the API

Defaults to: v1

axiosAdapter?: AxiosAdapter

provide a custom axios adapter to handle dispatching request/responses

baseApiUrl?: string

The apiurl that will be used to talk to the ordercloud API. It may be useful to change this to interact with different environments

Defaults to:

clientID?: string

when set is used to call the refresh token endpoint to obtain a new access token when exired (provided a refresh token is set in the sdk) this functionality is only intended for users that interact with at most one client per sdk instance

cookieOptions?: CookieOptions
timeoutInMilliseconds?: number

specifies the number of milliseconds before the request times out. If the request takes longer than timeoutInMilliseconds, the request will be aborted. Default timeout is 10,000 milliseconds or 10 seconds

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