Interface DecodedToken


  • DecodedToken


aud: string

the audience - who should be consuming this token this should always be (the ordercloud api)

cid: string

the client id used when making token request

exp: number

expiration of the token (in seconds) since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)

iss: string

the issuer of the token - should always be

nbf: number

point at which token was issued (in seconds) since the UNIX epoch (January 1, 1970 00:00:00 UTC)

orderid?: string

the order id assigned to the anonymous user, this value will only exist for anonymous users

role: string | string[]

list of security profile roles that this user has access to. This may include OrderCloud roles or custom roles. read more about security profile roles here

usr: string

the ordercloud username

usrtype: "admin" | "buyer" | "supplier"

helpful for identifying user types in an app that may have more than one

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